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Doublelift, Sneaky and Meteos react to Fudge speech at LCS finals
Have you seen anyone on C9 naked? DoubleLift, Sneaky, Meteos Discuss - LCS C9 TL (longer clip)
Fudge Said This About Doublelift After Beating Him...
Doublelift, Meteos and Sneaky react to Brazilian player flexing on FNC botlane
Doublelift, Bjergsen, Meteos and Sneaky react to DK COMEBACK in Game 5
Thorin & Monte Review the INFAMOUS Doublelift, Sneaky & Meteos Debate
Fudge doesn't give a sh*t what Riot wants him to say on Cast
Doublelift talks about C9 Fudge
C9 Fudge to Doubters: "GO F**K YOURSELVES" (on LCS Broadcast)
Doublelift reaction to TL not making the Worlds
Doublelift Responds to Reginald, His Mistake, and shows MORE PROOF
Fudge Gets Exposed For Having A Valentines Hicky On The LCS...